Buy Stylage Bi-Soft M to instantly correct superficial lines and wrinkles, nasolabial folds, nasal hump reduction or hand rejuvenation ↪ We Ship Worldwide.
Stylage Bi-Soft M Lidocaine 1ml is designed to instantly correct superficial lines, wrinkles and sagging chins folds. ↪ Buy now and get worldwide delivery! ↩
Stylage Bi-Soft S is ideal to use in thin and sensitive areas to improve the appearance of superficial lines and wrinkles in the face. Shop online and save up to 10%!
Buy Stylage Bi-Soft S Lidocaine online. Specifically designed to improve the appearance of superficial lines and wrinkles in the face. Ideal for thin and sensitive areas.
Stylage Bi-Soft Special Lips 1ml is is specifically designed to enhance the lip volume and lip contour. We offer worldwide delivery and an online chat ☑️
Use Stylage Bi-Soft Special Lips Lidocaine to enhance the lips, creating fullness and correcting lip contours. Ideal for reducing perioral lines or smoker’s lines.
Stylage Bi-Soft XL is an injectable hyaluronic acid volumizer specifically designed to restore facial volume and recontouring the cheeks, chin and jawline.
Buy Stylage Bi-Soft XL Lidocaine to treat saggin skin, restore facial volume and recontour facial areas. Contains lidocaine for a more comfortable injection.
Stylage Bi-Soft XXL 1ml is an injectable hyaluronic acid volumizers specifically designed to restore volume to your face. We offer fast Worldwide Delivery!
Stylage L is a cross-linked hyaluronic acid gel injection used for filling deep nasolabial folds, smoothing out wrinkles and sagging areas - Shop online now!
Use Stylage L Lidocaine for correcting deep wrinkles and folds such as marionette lines, cheek wrinkles and reshaping the nose. Also used for hand rejuvenation.
Use Stylage® M for filling smaller nasolabial folds, marionette lines, treat superficial wrinkles and sagging chins folds as well as reshaping earlobes ↪ Save 10% now!
Stylage M Lidocaine is specifically designed to instantly correct superficial lines and wrinkles, treat sagging chins and reshape earlobes. We ship worldwide
Teosyal PureSense Deep Lines is used for in-depth filling of highly pronounced wrinkles. We provide worldwide delivery, an online chat and 10% discount!
Teosyal PureSense Global Action is recommended to treat moderate wrinkles, cutaneous depressions, nasolabial folds and glabella wrinkles in the mid dermis.
Buy Teosyal PureSense Kiss, a lip enhancement product ideal to reshape the lips and increase lip volume whilst treating lip hydration and mouth wrinkles.
Use Teosyal PureSense Redensity I 1ml Skin Enhancer to prevent premature skin from aging, restore skin density and maintain skin glow. We offer worldwide shipping!
Teosyal PureSense Redensity I 3 ml is a unique hyaluronic acid-based skin enhancer which restores skin density and maintains skin glow. Save up to 10%! ✅
Teosyal PureSense Redensity II is an advanced gel designed to treat the delicate and sensitive eye area. Indicated for under-eye circles and hollow eye-circles.
Use the unique volumizing filler to restore lost volume in wide areas such as cheeks, jawline and temples to sculpt facial contours. Get 5% of your first order ✅
Use Teosyal PureSense Ultra Deep to redefine facial outlines and fill deep wrinkles as well as creating volume in targeted areas such as the cheekbones and chin.
Teosyal RHA 1 Lidocaine is designed specifically to treat superficial and fine wrinkles - We provide worldwide delivery, an online chat and 5% discount on your first order.
Buy Teosyal RHA 2 Lidocaine, a wrinkle filler that helps to preserve the vitality and softness of the face. Ideal to smooth out wrinkles and volumize the lips.
Use Teosyal RHA 3 Lidocaine to smooth out deeper wrinkles and to create volume to the lips. We offer worldwide delivery and personal online customer service.